Unfortunately I am going to have to delay the release date, to the few actually looking forward to it. I apologize, I might be able to get it done by next Sunday or possibly within the week. A little note to those actually wanting it.
The actual game length and size has dramatically increased, the overall speed of the projectiles has decreased(no it is not almost impossible :P), a few additions to the background, multiple endings, an upgrade during game play(what I had designed would have been more elaborate but I ended up taking 2 hours going through everything and could not figure out how I fixed it, so I decided to leave it with only one) new projectiles are introduced every round, music is playing in the background for a change(it is not Halloween like but it fits what I believe the characters Cletus and Jug would pick), a glowing orb in the top left will glow to show when projectiles are firing.
Wish me luck.
Update: This weekend was busy, and I am hoping to get a thanksgiving flash done as well. I will have to delay it even further, I should have it done by the end of November.
2nd Update: Well I did not get it done, I doubt I will be able to, things have picked up and my focus is else where.
Good luck!
Lord-Of-Lazyness (Updated )
thanks :)